Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Crate Training...

Crate Training
Providing your puppy or dog with an indoor crate can satisfy many dogs' need for a den-like place of refuge. Because dog's have a natural reluctance to soil his den or sleeping place, a crate can also help with potty training and aid in reducing separation anxiety.
A crate will also prevent destructive behavior, such as chewing, and keep a puppy away from potentially dangerous household items (i.e., poisons, electrical wires, etc.).
Crate training your dog can ease traveling with your dog, as your puppy will already be quite used to being in the safety of his crate in the home so the car ride will be easy going. I recommend everyone crate or seat belt any dog riding in a vehicle, this will keep both you and your dog safe for travel. In Addition, if you travel with your dog a crate is a must. Most hotels which accept dogs on their premises require them to be crated while in the room to prevent damage.
Most dogs who have been introduced to a crate while still young grow up to prefer their crate as their place of rest and down-time or for stress relief. This is one of the reasons your dogs crate should NEVER be used for the purpose of punishment.
I recommend that your dog have a crate accessible to him throughout his lifetime. Dogs never grow to old for their crate, remember this is his place of rest, safety and solitude.

Types of Crate
There is a wide variety of crate types available. I myself have two different types in my home. I have a soft crate for travel and a wire fold up crate for home. You should choose one that you feel best suits your needs. Just remember that its not a good idea to put a puppy or untrained dog in a soft crate and leave them unattended, as they can chew through the side of the crate or even tear the mesh.

Size of your Crate
Your crate needs to be an appropriate size for your dog. Crates that are to big will more than likely not hinder puppies from using the extra space for a potty area. Crates that are to small can be harmful to the growth of your puppy. Your dog should be able to stand up and raise his head most of the way up, he should be able to turn around and lay down comfortably. Older, house trained dogs can have larger crates, but puppies should have a crate that is just a bit larger than his actual body size.

What can my puppy have in his crate?
Toys and Treats: Place your puppy's favorite toys and dog treats at the far end opposite the door opening. Toys should always be inedible and large enough to prevent their being swallowed and tough enough to keep them busy for a period of time. Toys like Kong's that you can fill with food is a good way to give your puppy something to do while in the crate
Water: If your dog or puppy is to be in his crate for longer than two hours its a good idea to supply him with an attachable wather dish.
Padding: Pads, blankets or dog pillows are great however, some puppies and dogs will shred the cloth or foam mat. If this happens remove any pieces to prevent the pup from swallowing or choking on the pieces and do not replace the pad unless your dog is supervised.
Location of Crate
Whenever possible, place the crate near or next to you when you are home. This will encourage the pup to go inside it without his feeling lonely or isolated when you go out. Dogs and puppies are pack animals and do not enjoy being alone. Puppies are coming to you strait from a litter and plenty of company.
Introducing the Crate to Your Puppy
Remember; dogs are associative learners, so its very important that we teach them about the crate in a positive manner. We dont want our dog to associate the crate with something harsh or negative or with punishment in any way. Going into the crate should be a pleasant experience for both dog and handler.
NEVER ever try to force your dog into his crate and slam the door behind him. This will simply cause him to become fearful and resentful of his crate and resist going into it.

 The first thing I like to do is begin feeding my puppy inside his crate. We want him to associate the good experience of eating with being in his crate. This does not have to be permanent, but it helps in the conditioning process. Simply set the bowl of food just inside the door of the crate at first, so the puppy can put only his head in to eat. Once he is comfortable with this you cant place the food bowl further back in the crate so that he has to fully enter the crate to get his food.

Crate” command
The next thing will be to begin to teach your puppy a command to enter his crate. With the door to the crate standing open, show your puppy a treat and just as he attempts to get the treat, toss the treat into the crate (just inside the door). As your puppy crosses then threshold to the crate to retrieve the treat, say “yes!” and give and additional treat reward. Repeat this over and over gradually reducing the number of treats you toss into the crate as your puppy learns and complies with the command “crate”.

Now that your puppy knows how to enter his crate on command we can begin asking him to stay inside his crate until he is invited out.

Give you puppy the “crate” command, once inside give him a treat and say “good”. Notice we didnt give a verbal “YES” marker here, as we are building duration in this exercise rather than ending it.

When your puppy enters the crate give the reward and say “good”... followed by several more rewards... then after a minute or so say “YES” and allow the puppy to exit, having a party with him for a job well done. Do this over and over gradually extending the amount of time your puppy is inside the crate.
Once your puppy goes into the crate on command and also stays inside for a period of at least a minute, you can begin slowly closing the door a little at a time.

Ask your puppy to go into his crate, say “good” giving a reward, close the crate door just slightly and say “good” again offering another reward. Do this exercise until you can successfully close the crate door for a period of time and your dog remains calm.

Teaching your puppy to be calm while in the crate
The next step is to again do the same exercises and build more time. Once your puppy is comfortable with being in his crate you can begin putting him in his crate and walking away from the crate for short periods of time. Remember short distances will be the best in order to keep your puppy successful. Walk back and forth to your puppy while he is in his crate and offer him a food reward for being calm in his crate.

If your puppy becomes overly stimulated or excited when you walk away or approach, simply turn your back to the puppy and pay him no attention. DO NOT be tempeted to yell or hit the crate, this will only cause your puppy to associate the crate with bad things happening.

Ignore your puppy until he is quite again, as soon as you get a few seconds of silence, turn around and say “yes!” and offer a food reward or open the crate door. The puppy should only be rewarded for acceptable behavior. Ignore all other behavior, but remember stay near the crate as you dont want to force your dog or puppy into feeling anxiety or fear while in the crate.

These exercises should only be done for a short period of time each time you practice, 5-10 min is plenty depending on the temperament and drive of your dog. Do the exercises several times throughout the day and end each session on a positive note, while your dog is successful.

In most cases a pup who cries incessantly in his crate has either been crated too soon (without taking the proper steps as outlined above) or is suffering from separation anxiety and is anxious about being left alone. Some dogs may simply be under exercised. Others may not be getting enough family interaction. Some breeds of dog are just particularly vocal. These dogs may need the "Alternate Method of Confining Your Dog", along with increasing the amount of exercise and play your dog receives daily.
Crating Puppies
Puppies under 4 months of age have little bladder or sphincter control. Puppies under 3 months have even less. Very young puppies under 9 weeks should not be crated, as they need to eliminate very frequently (usually 8-12 times or more daily).

Important Reminder
Collars: Always remove your puppy or dog's collar before confining in the crate. Even flat buckle collars can occasionally get struck on the bars or wire mesh of a crate. Again we dont want any negative association with the crate, so preventing anything negative from happening while your puppy is in his crate is very important. If you must leave a collar on the pup when you crate him use a safety "break away" collar. Never leave a training collar on your puppy or dog while in a crate or kennel or when he is not being supervised.

Before Crating your Puppy be sure a few things are in order
      1. your puppy has pottied reciently
      2. he has had ample time to run and exercise
      3. he has had plenty of time to interact with the pack (family)
      4. he has plenty of toys in his crate with him to keep him busy
Accidents In The Crate
If your puppy messes in his crate while you are out, do not punish him upon your return. Simply wash out the crate using a pet odor neutralizer (such as Nature's Miracle, or vinegar and water). Do not use ammonia-based products, as their odor resembles urine and may draw your dog back to urinate in the same spot again.
The Crate As Punishment
NEVER use the crate as a form of punishment or reprimand for your puppy or dog. This simply causes the dog to fear and resent the crate. If correctly introduced to his crate, your puppy should be happy to go into his crate at any time.

NOTE: Sufficient daily exercise is important for healthy puppies and dogs. Regular daily walks should be offered as soon as a puppy is fully immunized. Backyard play time is great but not enough mental stimulation and physical exercise for most dogs.
Children And The Crate
Do not allow children to play in your dog's crate or to handle your dog while he/she is in the crate. The crate is your dog's private sanctuary. His/her rights to privacy should always be respected. Dogs can sometimes feel possessive of their crate, and it may not be safe to allow children to interact with the dog when he is in his crate.

I know crate training can be a time consuming and frustrating undertaking, but I promise you it will be worth it for both you and your dog. I hope this helped... Thanks for the suggestion Brenda!


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